NOTUS Trawl Monitoring
Notus develops and supplies wireless sensors for monitoring trawls and purse seines. The company incorporates a unique transponder based technology in all the products. For the Captain, this provides the ability to measure the trawl wires, find lost gear and make adjustments in cross currents. Notus products are all manufactured in house by Notus, and offer two-way communication to the sensors, meaning extended battery life, and the ability to control pings rates, etc.
Hardware devices allow the ability to measure and display:
Door spread - Distance between doors
Trawl warp - Vessel distance to each door
Door angle - Heel and pitch of doors
Trawl door height - Door to seafloor height
Headline height - Distance from headline to seafloor
Catch sensor - Indicates when cod end is full
Bottom sensor - Indicates if trawl is on bottom
Depth & Temp - Temp at trawl, door to surface distance
Grid angle - Sorting grid angle
Wing end spread - Distance between wing ends
Trawl alignment - Port / Stbd door to headline distance
Notus Trawlmaster System
Complete Notus Trawlmaster system for a typical vessel installation. Comprises of PC running Notus software, vessel mounted hydrophone, various board, headline, trawl etc sensors to relay all data back to vessel.
Notus Quad Ring
Software view of Notus Quad Rig as seen by the skipper in the wheelhouse. The door distances, Warp, Door angle, Headline height, Pitch, Heel and all other relevant data can be seen in real time. This enables optimal vessel speed, trawl geometry/placement and ultimately the most efficient net filling.